Sonno Sleep Center

What To Expect At A Sleep Study

Sleep Study: Initial Office Visit

Office visits are scheduled during regular daytime hours and typically take about an hour. During your visit, you will complete initial questionnaires which are reviewed with you by our board certified sleep physicians. 

In addition, you may be asked to bring recent tests or office notes from your referring physician. During your initial interview the history of your sleep problem will be discussed in detail, and it is often helpful if your spouse or bed partner accompanies you to visit in order to provide additional information. The possible causes of your difficulty with sleep are reviewed, and your sleep testing will be scheduled if testing is required.


Overnight Sleep Studies

With most sleep studies being available most nights of the week, we can arrange the night of your sleep study to your convenience. Please have a light dinner before reporting for your study, if you wish to bring a snack with you fell free to do so.

Do not consume caffeinated beverages after 12 noon since this can affect your sleep quality. It will greatly help you bedtime preparations if you arrive at your scheduled appointment time so that our technicians can devote their full attention to preparing you for bed. If you arrive early, you may wait since our patients are staggered at specific times during the evening. 

Daytime Sleep Studies

In addition to nighttime studies, some patients require daytime testing to evaluate excessive daytime sleepiness or sleep disorders such Narcolepsy.

We perform two different daytime tests: the Multiple Sleep Latency Test (MSLT) and the Maintenance of Wakefulness Test (MWT). During each of these studies, testing is performed for a brief period during the day.

The procedures for the MSLT and MWT will be reviewed for you in advance of your appointment.

Sleep Test Results

After your studies are completed, you will be scheduled, at your convenience, for a follow-up appointment in 7-10 days. At the time of your follow-up, the test results and possible treatment options will be discussed with you in detail.